John Vincent Palozzi

Art Exhibit Résumé for John Vincent Palozzi:
1987 – present: member of Poets of the Palm Beaches
2006 – present: member of Artists of Palm Beach County.
2008: Photo, “Lake Worth Seagulls” selected for the juried Arts in Public Places Exhibit “The Sky’s the Limit” at PBI Airport.
2008: Photos, “Boca Art Storm” and “Half Moon in Pine” selected for the juried Artists of Palm Beach County Members’ Exhibit at Sugar Sand Park Community Center, Boca Raton.
2008: Digitally enhanced photo reproduced as giclee canvas print, “Lake Worth City Hall” selected for the juried Arts in Public Places exhibit “(Art)chitecture” at PBI Airport.
2009: Received Best of Class, Drawing or Print in Art’sUnited, “United and Proud Exhibit” at the Broward County Library, Fort Lauderdale, for the poster photo print of the Collage Poem, “My Gay Dad.”
2009: Three pieces (one collage and two digitally enhanced photos, reproduced as giclee canvas prints) selected for the Boynton Beach City Library, Artists of Palm Beach County Members’ Exhibit, from April to November of 2009.
2010: A photo poster reproduction of the collage, “January We Marched in the Parade” selected for Artists of Palm Beach County Members’ Exhibit at the Crest Theater in Old School Square, Delray Beach.
2010: Collage reproduced as a poster photo print, “March We Picnicked in the Park” was selected for the juried Arts in Public Places exhibit at PBI Airport.
2010: Original collage, “Alonzo & Francis Honeymoon in Japan” was a juried selection included in the “New Art” exhibit at the Armory Arts Center, WPB, FL.
2010, Digital collage photo poster print, “Light The Way” was included in the “Peace on Earth” juried exhibit at Lighthouse Art Center, Tequesta, FL.
2011: Publication of “Cook These Poems – Vegetarian Recipes Disguised as Poetry”
2011: Publication of “Stones & Bones – Italy Through My Eyes,” a collection of original poetry and photographs.
2011: Publication of “One Year in Japan – Old Family Photos with Notes from the Early 1900’s,” a collection of original collage and fictional stories.
2011: Publication of “Honeymoon in Japan – Notes and Photos from Gay Men in the 1800’s,” a collection of original collage and fictional stories.
2013: Publication of “Japan Haiku Collage – 20 Collaged Images Accented With Haiku”
2013: “Lake Worth City Hall” selected as one of five images printed as postcards by the City of Lake Worth commemorating the city’s centennial.
2013: Exhibited Digitally Enhanced “Old Photos” at Harold’s Coffee House on Northwood in West Palm Beach.
2014: Became the Gallery Manager for the Artists of Palm Beach County Art on Park Gallery.
2014: Honorable Mention for Digital Painting, "City in Green and Orange" in the LightHouse ArtCenter's The Art of Association Exhibit.